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August 6, 2018
Local Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in Houston has become a must have for a business to be profitable and successful. Companies that are taking advantage of these local Search Engine Optimization (SEO) resources are largely dominating the Houston market. To a surprise these dominators are not even being challenged or have any competition due to...
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Lopez Research in conjunction with The Software Industry Association (SIIA) recently surveyed 106 marketing executives about their company’s use of email, mobile marketing and social media to build their brand, gain leads, and improve customer support. The findings were quite interesting. While social media is driving a small portion of revenue and engagement today, almost...
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The House of Representative’s Stop Online Piracy Act and the Senate’s Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act have generated fierce opposition within the technology community. Here are some facts about the bills: What would SOPA and PIPA do? The legislation, known as SOPA in the US House of...
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Hackers to launch pirate satellite to help build pirate Internet Hacker-sponsored satellite project aims to prove free speech is as valuable as cell spectrum Driven reportedly more by the effort of entertainment companies to police their content and punish those who infringe copyrights than by the increasing number of countries adding further restrictions on what...
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QR codes have stormed traditional advertising and it will never look the same, literally. Innovation surged this year in mobile marketing with huge breakthroughs coming in the QR code advertising sector. To put it mildly, QR codes are blowin’ up! The opportunities to augment and track ‘old’ traditional print media with QR codes and deliver...
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Google Offers, the company’s long-awaited response to Groupon, has gone live with a signup for beta program in Portland, Oregon. Google promises “50% off or more at places you’ll love,” on a sign up page and offers six locations — Portland; California’s Oakland/East Bay and San Francisco: and New York City’s downtown, midtown and uptown....
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If you are a business owner and are already doing a advertising campaign on the Internet or are about to begin one, then a concept you should learn more about is local SEO. Search engine optimization is a very popular concept of internet marketing but most marketers do not know much about it, in order...
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Regardless of what your business engages in, either a service or product, it’s a great idea to have an established Facebook fan page. It all starts with how YOU network through Facebook. Why is having a Facebook fan page important? I’d say at this point, you should really focus more on a Facebook fan page...
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7 Social Media Metrics to Align with Business Goals In a presentation I gave last week about building your social media strategy, I laid out five key takeaways that a small business owner or marketing manager can follow when design their own social media strategy. The five key takeways are: Create clear goals for social...
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For most companies, the primary purpose of their website is to have an online presence  where they can provide people information about the company, the products and services, the management team, and a list of clients.  While this information is useful from a purely information gathering perspective, it’s generally not enough to get someone to take...
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